Send your songs in for Melodifestivalen 2016!

Between the 1st and the 16th of September 2016, you can submit your songs for Melodifestivalen 2016. The song has to be written by, at least, one Swedish composer. You also have two choices: you can enter your song in the Regular Contest or the Public Contest.

Here is how you can send your entries:

First of all, you will have to create an account at (for the Regular Contest) and at (Public Contest). After creating an account, entering a unique Username (Användarnamn), your e-mail (E-postadress), a password (Lösenord) and confirming your password (Bekräfta lösenord), click on the red button entitled “Skicka”.

Once you arrive on the main page, you can send in your song until September 16th (8:59 am) by clicking on the button: ‘’Ladda upp fler bidrag’’ (Upload More Entries). The songs have to be sent in a playable MP3 file.

After that, you will have to complete 7 or 8 fields, depending on the Contest (Regular or Public). Here are the 8 (or 7) steps that you have to complete to upload your song.

First of all, you will have to upload your MP3 file at “Välj ljudfil att ladda upp”. Then, you will have to choose the genre of the entry (“Välj bidragets genre”). You can enter for example genres like  dansband, pop/grupp, ballad, ovright (0ther).

Finally, you will have to enter some informations about the entry such as the song title (‘’Ange bidragets titel’’), the name of the artist (“Ange artistens namn”), a photo of the artist (‘’Ladda upp artistbild”) and the name of the composers (‘’Ange kompositör(er)”). Remember that you will have to add if the composers wrote the lyrics (‘’Text”) or the music (‘’musik’’).  If they have written both visit select this option, (“Text & Musik”).

Finally you will have to answer a last question regarding if there is one or more songwriters that composed the entry (Är en eller fler av kompositörerna kvinna?). Ja for yes, nej for no.

When you have completed all the fields correctly, press ‘’Ladda up’’ to upload your song.

For more information regarding the song submission, you can visit this website:

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