The preparation in Malta are on their way and there are only 50 days left before Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2014! So: let’s just recap the story so far.
#together: Right after winning last year’s contest, the Maltese television expressed its interest in organizing the Contest. This is the first time that a Eurovision event is hosted by an entire island and not just a city. In Copenaghen, last May, the theme and logo for this year were announced: “#together” is the tag line and the logo represents a part of the Maltese cross, composed as a tangram to symbolize unity. In September, Moira Delia was announced as the sole host of the show.
Debuting and returning: this year’s contest counts, to date, 16 participating countries. Italy, Montenegro and Slovenia will make their debut, while Bulgaria, Cyprus, Serbia and Croatia will be back after a short break. FYR Macedonia will not be attending this year’s show.
Songs: Five songs are already known: Armenia (Betty – People of the sun), Belarus (Nadezhda Misyakova – Sokol), Cyprus (Sophia Patsalides – I pio omorfi mera), Sweden (Julia Kedhammar – Du är inte ensam) and Ukraine (Sympho-Nick – Pryyde vesna).
We also know title and artist of four other songs that will be premiered in the next few days: Bulgaria (Krisia, Hasan, Ibrahim – Planetata na detsata), Malta (Federica Falzon – Diamonds), Montenegro (Masa Vujadinovic & Lejla Vulic – Budi dijete na jedan dan) and Russia (Alisa Kozhikina – Little Dreamer).
Slovenia, Italy and Georgia announced their artists: Ula Lozar (Slovenia), Vincenzo Cantiello (Italy) and Lizi Pop (Georgia) will take part in Junior Eurovision. San Marino will have a group of singers called “The Peppermints”.
The next important dates are: Saturday 27th, when the Netherlands will chose a song from their Junior Songfestival, Monday 29th, when San Marino will present their song in a press conference and Sunday 5th, when Slovenia will reveal Ula Lozar’s song. And up until now, there are no news from Serbia and Croatia regarding their entries.
There is only 50 days left to go, and we will be watching the 2014 Junior Eurovision Song Contest #together! Exciting, isn’t it?