The first semi final of the 53rd Festivali i Kenges has ended moments ago. A total of 13 songs have been performed, and two different juries have selected the best nine, which have qualified for the Sunday’s Grand Final.
These songs have qualified from tonight’s semi final, in the order they have been announced in (click on them to listen to the songs):
- Enver Petrovci – Te vrane bukuri
- Marsela Cibukaj – S’muj
- Erga Halilaj – Ti s’me njeh
- Saimir Braho – Kristal
- Klajdi Musabelliu – Vetem te ti besoj
- Besiana Mehmetaj & Shkodran Tolaj – Keshtjella
- Estela Brahimllari – Kjo nate
- Lindita Halimi – S’te fal
- Venera Lumani – Dua te jetoj
The second semi final will be on tomorrow evening at around 20:45 CET, while the Grand Final is going to be held on Sunday. ESCBubble will once again blog live both shows.
I’ll allready seen and i decided.I like a lot LINDITA HAIMI.
I think she will be next 2015 Albanian eurovision contest winner.