According to the Polish Eurovision-related radio audition “Good Evening Europe“, Margaret has been asked by the Polish Television to represent Poland in Eurovision Song Contest 2015 in Vienna. The popular singer revealed this news today, but is still not sure if she will accept this invitation.
Polish fans are mostly convinced that she would be a great choice for Eurovision. This 23-years old singer and fashion blogger was named as fan favourite at OGAE Poland’s poll as we reported back in October.
Margaret is mostly known for her controversial video clip to the hit song “Thank you very much” released in February 2013. She represented Poland in the Baltic Song Contest 2013 with the same song and finished 2nd. During summer, Margaret collaborated with Thomas Karlsson and Mats Tärnfors, to create the official song of the 2014 FIVB Volleyball Men’s World Championship in Poland. She performed “Start a Fire” at the Opening Ceremony on the 30th of August in front of 62,000 spectators in the National Stadium in Warsaw, prior to the Poland v. Serbia match. Her debut album was released on the 26th of August 2014.
TVP announced back in October that the next Polish Eurovision entry will be chosen internally by a specially formed team of professionals, journalists, composers and producers, as well as the board of OGAE Poland. The final decision will be revealed in the beginning of March 2015. According to sources close to the Polish Television, Margaret is not the only one singer invited by the broadcaster to take part in Eurovision 2015.
Check Margaret’s “Start a Fire” below: