After Setubal, where the Portuguese Eurovision entrant from 2014 will perform in the ”Eurovision Live Concert” this Saturday, September 12th, Suzy has a very busy schedule with concerts, already for the following year. Madrid, Venice, Tallinn are next.
Suzy will be performing this Saturday, September 12th, in Setúbal, in her homeland, at the Eurovision Live Concert, very next one gig will be held in Madrid, Spain, at October 3rd – she will perform at 10th Annual Congress of OGAE Spain and two weeks after she’s travelling to Italy, when she’ll perform at the Annual Meeting of OGAE Italy, in Mestre, Venice. January 17th, next year, is first concert known in next year, when she’ll attend Keltainen Tammikuu, Yellow November Cruise.
For following details about the concerts, follow Suzy on her official Facebook page!
Suzy represented Portugal, at the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest, in Copenhagen, with the song “Quero Ser Tua“. Unfortunately, she didn’t make it to the Grand Final, scoring 39 points and finished at 11th place in the semi-final.