The Albanian qualifiers are revealed!
At the end of the second semi final this evening, the qualifiers from the semi finals were announced. As the semi final split and running order was decided randomly, it was decided that rather than having nine qualifiers from each semi final, the juries would look at the 30 songs as a whole. It was originally announced that 18 songs would participate in the final, but in the end, 11 songs qualified from each semi final, making a total of 22 songs in the final.
The 22 qualifiers are:
- ADRIAN LULGJURAJ – Jeto dhe ëndërro
- SIGI BASTRI – Engjëll i lirë
- DILAN REKA – Buzëqsh
- LUIZ EJLLI – Pa mbarim
- ERGA HALILAJ – Monolog
- FLORENT ABRASHI – Të ndjek çdo hap
- TEUTA KURTI – Në sytë e mi
- KOZMA DUSHI – Një kafe
- ASLAIDON ZAIMAJ – Merrmë që sot
- EGERT PANO – Mos ik
- KRISTI POPA – Ajo çfarë ndjej
- KLODIAN KAÇANI & REZARTA SMAJA – Dashuri në përjetësi
- JOZEFINA SIMONI – Një det me ty
- GENC TUKIÇI – Sa të dashuroj
- EVANS RAMA – Flakë
- BESA KRASNIQI – Liroje zemerën
- ENXHI NASUFI – Infinit
- FLAKA KRELANI – S’je per mua
- RENIS GJOKA – Ato që s’ti them dot
- LINDI ISLAMI – Për një mrekulli
- ENEDA TARIFA – Përrallë
Congratulations to all the qualifiers, and commiserations to those who didn’t make it through to tomorrow’s final!
Do you have your favourite song already? Make sure you vote for your personal favourite in our poll right here: