First reactions of the six qualifiers from Heat 2 of A Dal
The second heat of A Dal 2016 took place last night, and the four member jury and the audience all over the world have selected six acts to proceed to the semi finals – Kallay Saunders Band, Gergo Olah, Andre Vasary, Laci Gaspar, Karmapolis & Bobe Szecsi, and Passed.
We spoke to all six qualifiers shortly after the show has finished, and we got their first impressions. Check out what they told us:
Kallay Saunders Band
Gergo Olah
Andre Vasary
Laci Gaspar
Karmapolis & Bobe Szecsi
The third and the last heat of A Dal 2016 will take place next Saturday, 6th of February, and we will be blogging the whole show once again live from the studio in Budapest.