We’re continuing with the EMA 2016 interviews, and next up is ManuElla. ManuElla is well-known among Eurovision fans – she took part in Slovenian national final in 2012 – Misija Evrovizija, where she was a semifinalist. This year she’s back on track. Here’s what ManuElla told us about her song, and her Misija Evrovizija experience.
Firstly, congratulations for qualifying for EMA 2016! How did you decide to enter the contest this year?
Thank you for your kind words. I always wanted to be the one who will take the responsibility to present my lovely country Slovenia in front of the whole of Europe. I really hope that I get that opportunity!
You have so much experience! As you said before – this is not your first EMA – Eurovision experience – we do remember you from Misija Evrovizija! How was that experience?
Misija Evrovizija gave me a lot of good memories… It’s easier for me now to be more comfortable in front of TV cameras, which was, like the whole show, a great experience.
What about your passion to Eurovision? Do you usually follow the contest, and if so, do you have a favorite Eurovision song?
My dear Eurovision fans! As we just entered New Year, let us all make this one full of love and good music! I hope that you will love my song for EMA, “Blue and Red”! If you want to, you can follow me on Facebook, Instagram and on my official webpage!
ESCBubble would like to thanks ManuElla for taking her time for us and at the same time we would like to invite you all to watch EMA live on the February 27th, at the Channel 1 of RTV Slovenija.