D BASE: “It’s on us to make a performance to talk about”
Following artists, who’ll try to do their best and win Slovenian Eurovision preselection EMA, are D BASE, who’ll make its debut this Saturday at the Slovenian National Television. We’ve had a chance talking to them, so check what guys told us about their upcoming performance, and find out more things about them:
Firstly, congratulations for qualifying for EMA 2016! How did you decide to enter the contest this year?
Thank you, we were really delighted when we found out we have been accepted to perform on EMA. It was a glimpse of ‘what if?’. We had a great idea that has never been realised on EMA before (2 rappers featuring a singer). I think it will represent a new milestone in this festival and a great new song for our supporters.
Apart from EMA, what would you say is your biggest achievement in your music career so far?
We all had our projects before D Base and will still be working on our future solo careers. It’s a new group and this is really our first big competition. We just want to make a good performance and hope to get the best of it. Last summer we recorded and published our first song ‘Tvoj dan’ (Your day). It had a good reception on Slovenian radio charts so we continued working.
Have you ever sent a song for the Slovenian Eurovision preselection in the past as well?
Never before, so it’s our first time. We’re already itching to present our new song to all of you.
EMA is already a festival tradition in Slovenia, have you been following it in the past years and if so, do you have your all-time favourite song?
We’ve been following the recent EMAs, but never thought we’ll perform on it’s stage. Our team is made up of three totally different artists so each one of us has our own favourite.
Let’s talk more about your song. What’s the main message of it, and what type of a song can we expect from you?
It’s an ‘up to date’ pop-hiphop song. The song talks about our youth and how we all enjoyed beeing young, skating, playing games, without having any worries. It’s about how we all mustn’t forget about that positive and good times when we were younger.
So, guys, can you tell us something more about the team behind this song?
Well, we are a small team, really. All the lyrcs was written by us (each of us has written his own part) and the music was written by a young author and musician Alex Volasko. He is also the producer of the song. He connected us in a team and together we have written the song.

Do you already have some stage plans? How is everything going to look like on the night of EMA?
It’s still a secret, but trust us, you’ll be in for a surprise or two. It’s going to look pretty lively.
What would winning EMA and representing Slovenia in Eurovision mean to you?
We’re not thinking that far yet. It’s on us to make a performance to talk about, but winning EMA would represent a huge achievement in our career. We couldn’t be happier.
Do you usually follow Eurovision, and do you have a favourite Eurovision song?
It’s one of the biggest music festivals on the planet, so more or less we all follow Eurovision. We don’t have a favourite yet, I think it’s all about a good song and a confident performance so let’s wait and see till all ESC preselections are over.
How would you describe yourself in three words?
Positive, energetic and a good team.
What do you usually do when you are not singing?
We are all 200 % devoted to our music. We are also authors, so when we don’t sing, we try to make the most of our ideas. We’re also studying on colleges, but in main, it’s all about the music.
And finally, do you have a message for all of the readers of ESCBubble, who will support you in EMA?
We can hardly wait to step on the stage and make a performance of our lives. We can assure you, you’ll be in for a surprise or two, but until EMA, have a good time and think positive. See you all!
ESCBubble would like to thanks D BASE for taking their time for us and at the same time we would like to invite you all to watch EMA live on the February 27th, at the Channel 1 of RTV Slovenija. Last but not least, take a look at the recent music project of D BASE, “Tvoj Dan” below: