Tonight, the first twelve songs of Moldova’s O Melodie Pentru Europa will compete for their place in Saturday night’s Final. The live show, hosted by Gloria Gorceag and Sergiu Bezniţchi, will see the following performers and songs compete for their chance to represent Moldova at Eurovision in May.
Doiniţa Gherman – Irresistible
Valentina Nejel – Va fi târziu
Valeria Paşa – Save love
Russu Emilia – I am not the same
Che-MD – Vodă e cu noi
Chris Maroo – Tonight
Valentin Uzun – Mine
Chriss Jeff – Good Life
DoReDoS – FannyFolk
Viola – In the name of love
Maxim Zavidia – La la love
PRIZA – Rewind
Seven of tonight’s ‘douze’ performers will qualify to the final based on the combination of votes from Moldova’s televote, and the votes of an expert jury. There’ll be an additional televote and post-show debate programme, which will see an eighth qualifier later tonight.
We’ll be blogging the entire Semi-final here from 18:40 CET, live on ESCBubble!
You can watch the show, by visiting TVR Moldova’s live stream:
>>Happy to see Che-MD make it in the end…they had the best song. priza should be in the final, instead of Veleria…also good that Viola, Doredos, and Valentna made it
Valeria has a REALLY dull song! How can it score so well??
Poor you two. When will they finish?