A national final for the Czech Republic in 2018!
The Czech Republic are going for a national final again! For the first time since their debut with Kabát in 2007, who were also chosen through a national final, a national selection will be held to choose the entry for the Eurovision Song Contest!
The choice will be between 6 tracks. The Czech public can vote for their favourite through the official Eurovision app and at some stage the taste of Europe will be considered as well, as an international jury will be included in the selection.
This was all just confirmed by the Czech Head of Delegation, Jan Bors:
V lednu 2018 budeme dělat po deseti letech národní kolo Eurovize! Vybírat se bude ze 6ti skladeb! Hlasovat budete moci přes oficiální eurovizní aplikaci https://t.co/OTtJlGhydh . Vaše hlasy doplní hlasy mezinárodní poroty! Už se těšíte? #eurovize
— Jan Frost Bors (@Frostwii) 7 december 2017
(Translation: In January 2018 we will, after ten years, hold a national Eurovision selection! The choice will be between 6 tracks. You will be able to vote through the official Eurovision app: https://eurovision.tv/app. Your votes will be complemented by the votes of the international jury! Are you looking forward to it? #Eurovision)
The Eurovision Song Contest 2018 will mark the 7th Czech Republic participation.
Who knows what 2018 has in store for them!
In 2017 they were represented by Martina Bárta singing ‘My Turn’: