Brooke Borg: “Heart Of Gold” is about the beauty of everyone’s individuality and inner beauty
Brooke Borg is taking part in the Malta Eurovision Song Contest for the third year in a row. After her debut in 2016 with the song “Golden” which finished second, and her last year’s entry “Unstoppable” which finished in fourth place, Brooke Borg is hoping to win the Contest this year, and go on to represent Malta in Eurovision 2018 with the song “Heart Of Gold”.
We had a pleasure to chat with Brooke Borg, get to know her better and find out more about her entry “Heart Of Gold”, and the team behind it. Check out everything she told us right here in this interview:
Hi Brooke! First of all thank you for your time for doing this interview, and congratulations for making it to the Finals of MESC! How did you feel when you found out that you are one of the finalists?
It’s always a complete surprise and a really overwhelming feeling to be participating in the Maltese selection for Eurovision. Eurovision is a great platform to showcase your talent and capabilities, I am so grateful to have been given this opportunity.
How did you decide to enter with this song this year?
The fact that it had a fresh and totally different sound when comparing to my previous entries, really pushed me to enter with “Heart Of Gold”. I also feel that it transmits a genuine feel good vibe. We wanted to write lyrics for the song which were more current and relatable among the youngsters nowadays. All these factors combined gave me that last push to submit this song, 30minutes before the deadline.
Can you tell us more about the story of the song, what it’s about, and the team who worked on it?
We live in a world where there’s huge disparity between reality and how we portray ourselves on social media, where young people are under huge pressure to impress with materialistic objects. “Heart Of Gold” is about the beauty of everyone’s individuality and inner beauty.
How are you getting ready for the night of the final?
Practicing the song daily, of course, and also exercising both physically and vocally.
How do you plan your stage performance to look like? Are you planning to have any props, backing vocalists, or anyone joining you on stage?
I’m going to let your imagination answer that question, I’m all about surprises 🙂
What do you usually do when you are not singing?
I work of course, the bills need to get paid haha.
Why should you be the one to represent Malta in Lisbon?
I believe both Malta and the Maltese have a genuine “Heart Of Gold” and I believe it would be great to be able to represent such a kind, honest and heart-warming nation in Lisbon.
The competition is on a very high level this year. But which is that one act that you think is your biggest competition to win?
I think they are all exceptionally talented and it would be amazing to have any one of the acts representing Malta.
Are you currently involved in any other projects?
I am currently working on an EP with 5 songs co-written by myself, so I’m looking forward to launching it after the Eurofever is over.
We also have a couple of questions for you just to get to know you a little bit better. What would be your favorite book?
The Secret
Favorite movie?
Grease / Sound Of Music
Your own signature dish?
Typical Maltese dish – Baked Rice
In a movie about your life, who would be playing you?
I hope Beyonce haha – I’m a big fan.
What would you bring to a desert island?
My phone and my boyfriend.
Favorite taste of ice-cream?
Nutella <3
Your ideal duet-partner would be?
Ed Sheeran
The last song you listened to was…?
“Three Little Birds” by Bob Marley
Favorite Eurovision winning song?
Loreen’s “Euphoria”
The song you heard and wished it was yours instead?
“Power” by Little Mix
Thank you very much for your time Brooke, and we wish you the very best of luck at the MESC Final!
To keep up with all the latest news about Brooke Borg, make sure you follow her on Facebook right here. Give a listen to Brooke’s entry “Heart Of Gold” right here:
If Brooke Borg is your own personal favorite in this year’s Malta Eurovision Song Contest, make sure you cast your vote for her in our poll here: