Eesti Laul 2019 details announced with more live shows and rule changes!
The Estonian broadcaster ERR has just revealed on the ETV programme Ringvaade the details for Eesti Laul 2019, the selection format used to decide the Estonian Eurovision entry. The details are also available on their website.
The new Head of Eesti Laul, Tomi Rahula appeared on the show and revealed the following:
The competing entries will be revealed on December 4th.
The number of semi finalists will increase from 20 to 24, with 6 progressing from each semi final.
The semi finals will take place outside of Tallinn and will be broadcast live. The locations for the semi finals will be revealed later.
Foreign songwriters will also be allowed for the first time.
The participation fees will be as follows:
- 25 Euros for Estonian Language songs
- 50 Euros for songs in other languages
The dates of Eesti Laul 2019 are:
- Semi Final 1 – 26th January (Venue to be confirmed)
- Semif Final 2 – 2nd February (Venue to be confirmed)
- Final – 16th February (Tallinn)
Songs can be submitted by artists between 1st October and 6th November.
Let us know what you think of the changes to Eesti Laul 2019 on our social channels!