This is YOUR winner of O Melodie Pentru 2019!
Tonight Moldova will choose their entry for the Eurovision 2019 in the final of their selection process O Melodie Pentru Europa! They will be hoping to build on their successes in the last 2 years where they have achieved top 10 finishes.
For the past week, we have been asking readers to vote for their favourites from this year’s selection in our poll, and with over 600 votes received so far, here are the results:
- Anna Odobescu – Stay 24.40%
- Vera Turcanu – Cold 22.14%
- Diana Brescan – Lies 18.52%
- Tinna Gi – Virus 12.80%
- Che MD – Sub Pamint 7.23%
- Maxim Zavidia – I Will Not Surrender 6.33%
- Marcela Scripcaru – Meteor 3.77%
- Limonique – Gravity 2.86%
- Aurei Chirtoaca – La Cinema 1.81%
- Siaj – Olimp 0.15%
There is still time to vote for your favourite and who you think should represent Moldova in Tel Aviv in May in our poll below
You can watch the final on the official website link here and follow along with us on ESCBubble as we take you through the show with our live blog. The show starts at 2015CET