No changes in the EBU statutes, thus Kosovo can’t apply for full membership
The 82nd General Assembly of the EBU is taking place in Oslo, and one of the things discussed and voted were possible changes in the statutes regarding the new membership rules – abolition of membership of the International Telecommunication Union as a prerequisite for the admission of a public broadcaster to the EBU. These changes would, in between others, would help Kosovo’s RTK obtain full EBU membership which would then allow them to enter the 2020 Eurovision Song Contest in The Netherlands.
Before the start of the vote, various countries including Serbia, Greece, Cyprus and Spain, asked for the vote to be secret which was then allowed. 400 votes were for, 673 against, and 113 abstained, thus the changes were not accepted.
This means that in order to obtain full membership in the EBU, applicants must be members of the International Telecommunications Union (and of the UN). Kosovo is not a member of the UN, and thus RTK can not acquire the status of an international telecommunication association, nor become a full member of the EBU, and will thus have to sit out of the 2020 Eurovision Song Contest in The Netherlands.