Is Jordan Roy representing The Netherlands in Eurovision 2020?
Last week they were some speculation that the director of AVROTOS already heard the song which is going to represent The Netherlands in the contest. Later on, a local radio stated that the artist’s name begins with “J” and of course, many names have appeared on the list.
This week, according to, a reliable source told them that Jordan Roy is going to represent The Netherlands this year, but nothing official yet.
2 days ago he posted on instagram a photo with the hashtag Eurovision, could be this another hit for his participation?
Jordan was also on The Voice of Holland and teamed with Waylon (The Netherlands 2014 & 2018). He could be another The Voice star representing the Dutch country.
Last year The Netherlands was represented by Duncan Laurence with his song “Arcade”. He won with 498 points in the final. It was the 5th win for the Netherlands and they waited 44 years to conquer the contest again.
Are you excited about The Netherlands? Do you want Jordan to represent them in Eurovision? Tell us down below!