Nenad Ćeranić: “My subconscious played a key role in creating the lyrics for the song”
RTS is once again organizing Beovizija in order to find Serbia’s entry for the 2020 Eurovision Song Contest, which is going to be held in Rotterdam. Even though he has been around the Serbian music scene for about 15 years, Nenad Ćeranić is entering this competition for the very first time this year, with the song “Veruj u sebe” (Eng: Believe in yourself), which he wrote together with one of the most well known composers in the Balkans, Alek Aleksov.
We had a great pleasure to chat with Nenad about his music career, his previous hits and international festivals he took part in, his Beovizija entry and plans, and a lot more. Check it all out in this interview here:
Hi Nenad! Thank you for taking your time out for talking to us. For the beginning of the interview, can you tell a bit about your musical beginnings?
My musical beginnings date back to my earliest youth when I played the keyboard, guitar, accordion.. And then at the age of seven I composed my very first song. This developed from rap music through having a teenage rock band, etc… I built myself as a music producer, but then my first public performance followed at the Radio Festival with my own song “Nek padaju kiše“ which received amazing critics, and this gave me big boost to keep making and performing my own music. However, even before competing in the Radio Festival, I was known as one of the most popular club singers in Belgrade.
As you just mentioned the public in Serbia got to know you through the Radio Festival. What memories does that festival and performance of “Nek padaju kiše” bring back, and is this a song you still often sing?
This performance evokes special emotions in me because this was my first public appearance and because according to the festival organizers, my performance got the biggest applause ever in the Sava Center in Belgrade, at any Radio Festival held there. What makes me a happy man is also that the song “Nek padaju kiše” is still being played today, just like it was almost 15 years ago as well.
What made you enter a song for Beovizija this year?
I had a great desire to come back on stage and I wanted to present the song we were working on at the same time that the Beovizija call for songs was announced.
Can you tell us more about the message behind your song?
The inspiration for this song imposed itself through parenting, so I believe that my subconscious played a key role in creating the lyrics for this song. The song is basically a father’s message to his son, but it can also be understood as a message of any parent to his/her child. So to sum it up, the message is very clear – Believe in yourself (“Veruj u sebe” in Serbian).
You co-wrote your song with Alek Aleksov. Did you collaborate with him in the past as well?
Alek Aleksov and I have been friends and associates for over 15 years. We produce songs for other artists as well, and we also create music for movies, video games etc…
What would be your expectations from this year’s Beovizija?
I expect to enjoy the performance and therefore convey good energy to all the viewers of the festival. I want the message of the song to be heard far and wide.
Do you normally follow Eurovision, and do you have any favorite songs from the past years?
I follow Beovizija and Eurovision every year, but my favorite songs are still the ones from when I was watching Eurovision in my childhood, so from late 80s and the beginning of 90s, when the songs were still being performed together with a live orchestra.
Eurovision would not be your first international festival, as you already represented Serbia at the Slavianski Bazaar international festival in Belarus. How was your experience there?
That’s the biggest festival in Southeast Europe, and it is watched by millions of people on TV. The experience from there is simply invaluable, especially considering that I performed there with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Belarus, which in my opinion consists of some of the best musicians I ever had the pleasure to meet. The professionalism of the festival itself and the performance in the arena in front of around 15 thousand people still stir up beautiful emotions in me.
What will be your next steps after Beovizija?
I will think about this after Beovizija.
Thank you for your time Nenad, and we wish you the best of luck in Beovizija!
Thank you, and all the best to you and your readers as well!
Give a listen to Nenad’s Beovizija entry “Veruj u sebe” right here:
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