These are YOUR Qualifiers Of The Second Semi Final Of Söngvakeppnin!
The Second semi-final of Icelandic Söngvakeppnin 2020 is set for tonight with the start at 20:45 CET. Five acts will compete for the two spots which will take them to the Grand Final of Icelandic Eurovision selection, scheduled for the 29th of February at the Laugardalshöll indoor sports arena in Reykjavík.
All competing songs were released by Icelandic broadcaster RÚV on 19th of January when we asked you to vote in our poll and let us know which two acts are your favourite to advance to the final.
The results of that poll were as follows:
- Iva – Oculis Videre – 46.48%
- Nína – Ekkó – 26.24%
- Daði Freyr – Gagnamagnið – 22.19%
- Hildur Vala – Fellibylur – 3%
- Matti Matt – Dreyma – 2.09%
Iva is in the lead and according to your votes a clear qualifier with almost 50% of all of your votes
Don’t forget to tune in at our live blog of the Second semi-final of Söngvakeppnin 2020
You can still cast your vote, and let us know which of tonight’s five acts is YOUR personal favourite, right here in our poll: