Dancing With the Stars: Eurovision Lipsync Night tonight at 8PM!

We’ve been informed recently that, due to the uncertainty created spread of COVID-19 throughout Europe, 2020 Eurovision Song Contest is cancelled, however, it’s up to the broadcasters, if they’ll select the same entrant, who’s been selected for the 2020 edition. Meanwhile, according to the EBU rules, songs chosen in 2020, are not eligible to compete in 2021 edition. You can read more about it here.

When countries are in self-isolation or even in quarantine, and when Eurovision season is literally postponed until 2021, Eurovision stars are in the mood to cheer all the fans, who won’t be able to see the biggest music event of the year.

Tomaž Mihelič, member of well-known and already legendary drag group, Sestre, who represented Slovenia at the 2002 Eurovision Song Contest with ‘Samo Ljubezen’, was selected as one of the competitors in the Slovenian edition of ‘Dancing With The Stars’.

After broadcasting the first show of the season without audience, the production decided to postpone the show until the situation will gets better. However, all the competitors, inluding Mihelič, decided to bring more smiles on peoples faces, as they will organise the Eurovision Lipsync Night, today at 8 PM CET, directly via Instagram page of Tomaž Mihelič. You can follow Tomaž Mihelič here or at the post below. Why not enjoying some Eurovision classics in a different way!

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EMA @emaevrovizija je moj praznik in družiti se s tako izjemnimi, talentiranimi in krasnimi posamezniki je darilo življenja. Čestitke @annasoklich za vrhunsko izvedbo in ježenje kože❤️ Poklon @klemenslakonja mojstru imitacij, vodenja, petja, plesa, skratka vsega, kar dela ta največji slovenski festival tako zelo priljubljenega❤️ Hvala mladim nadobudnim in kreativnim umom @bojan_cvjeticanin @klemenkopina @majapinteric @zansercic – ki s svojo ustvarjalnostjo skrbijo, da se nam ni treba bati za podmladek❤️ Čestitke moji sestri @emperamakeupartist za fenomenaaaalne Klemenove preobrazbe in HVALA vsem, ki so naredili EMO 2020 eno najboljših doslej❤️ #ema2020 #esc #eurovision #sestre #love4everyone

A post shared by Tomaž Mihelič Marlenna (@tomazmihelicmarlenna) on

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