Allsang på Grensen is a Norwegian music show broadcasted by TV2 every summer since 2007. The program is based on the Swedish show Allsång på Skansen. Since the beggining show has been hosted by Katrine Moholt. For several seasons it was co-hosted by Tommy Steine. The guests of the show include well-known Norwegian and Swedish musicians some of which appeared at Melodi Grand Prix and Melodifestivalen, as well as some huge stars of the European music industry. The program is recorded at Fredriksten fortress in Halden during the summer. This season is a bit different as the show will concentrate on Norwegian music and with much smaller audience number which will mostly consist out of families which will be sitting on picnic blankets in front of the stage, singing along with many Norwegian singers as well as the hosts Katrine Moholt and Stian Staysman Thorbjørnsen better known as Staysman. Together with Laz he participated at Melodi Grand Prix 2015 with the song En godt stekt pizza where they ended on 3rd place.
This years winner of Melodi Grand Prix – Ulrikke Brandstorp also got a chance to perform her song “Attention”.
This wasn’t her first appearance on the show as she had performed a cover of “Shallow” last year together with Ben Adams singer of British-Norwegian boy band A1.
Last year the show also featured a lovely mashup of some of the most memorable hits of Melodi Grand Prix, which audience sung together with performers.
As we informed you Norway has opened the submissions for the next years edition of Melodi Grand Prix with the deadline being the 16th of August 2020.
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