During the presentation of their autumn content, TVP has revealed backup plans for the winner of their national selection for Junior Eurovision, Szansa na Sukces in case of the show getting cancelled as well as announced the themes of the three semifinal shows which were to take place on 6th, 13th and 20th of September.
Except of having the completely different judges panels the competitors will be having the different themes of songs they will perform
Semifinal 1 (6th of September) will be presenting the songs in the theme of Inter-generational Hits judged by Viki Gabor, Piotr Rubik and Edyta Górniak.
Semifinal 2 (13th of September) will bring us World Hits That You Listened To and will be judged by Cleo , Gromee and Michał Wiśniewski
Semifinal 3 (20th of September) will feature Songs from Fairytales and it will be judged by Dawid Kwiatkowski , Marina and Kasia Łaska .
Each semifinal will feature 7 artist which will compete for a ticket to final and each one will bring us one winner which will later on sing in the final of Szansa na Sukces Eurowizja Junior the host of the show will be Artur Orzech.
Some of the names of the competitors include: Wiktoria Cetera , Hanna Dzieniewicz , Mikołaj Gajowy , Aleksandra Kędra , Milena Kmita , Lena Małodzińska , Lena Marzec , Agata Serwin , Aleksandra Tracz and Alicja Tracz
TVP has also announced that in the case of the cancellation of Junior Eurovision Song Contest the winner of Szansa na Sukces Eurowizja Junior will get a chance to perform at Opole Festival 2021. That is the biggest musical festival in Poland which features concerts of young and adult singers it is known that this years edition is taking place from 4th to 7th of September while the dates for the next years edition are still unknown.
The countries which have so far confirmed their participation are: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Poland, Portugal, France, Georgia, Malta, The Netherlands, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Ukraine and Germany who will be making their debut. While Australia, Wales, Ireland and North Macedonia announced their withdrawals from the show.