Azerbaijan prolongs the submission deadline for their Eurovision song!
Broadcaster of Azerbaijan, Ictimai TV announced the new submission deadline for the entry which will represent the country at Eurovision 2021. The first deadline was 19th of January but the decision was made to prolong it until 1st of February. If you are interested to apply then send your proposal to
"Avroviziya" səhnəsində Azərbaycanı təmsil etmək şansın var!
Səninlə birlikdə qalib olmaq istəyirik.
Mahnını elektron ünvanına göndər və müsabiqədə iştirak et. Fevralın 1-dək!— Ictimai TV (@TvIctimai) January 22, 2021
There is a chance to represent Azerbaijan on the Eurovision stage!
We want to win with you.
Send the song to and take part in the contest. Until February 1!
Last March Azerbaijan has revealed that Samira Efendi is going to be back as their representative at the stage of Eurovision Song Contest 2021. “Cleopatra” was her entry for Eurovision Song Contest 2020 and if we could expect something similar this year remains to be seen. Listen to “Cleopatra” below.
Let us know your expectations from Efendi’s next song in the comments below and at our social media links!