LIVE: Semi-Final of Pabandom iš Naujo!
Labas vakaras! Welcome back to our coverage of Lithuania’s Eurovision selection process “Pabandom iš naujo!” (“Let’s Try Again”, or “We Go Again”), which continues tonight with the semi final.
Last week’s heat 2 saw the last of the qualifiers through to tonight’s show, and we await confirmation of those who will join pre-qualifiers The Roop with “Discoteque” in next Saturday’s final. It is believed that 5 will qualify from tonight’s performances.
The ten songs competing this evening are (click on the links to see their performances from the heats):
BE U – “Love Yourself”
Aistė Brokenleg – “Home”
Gabrielius Vagelis – “My Guy”
Voldemars Petersons – “Never Fall For You Again”
Norbertas – “Man In Need”
Evita Cololo – “Be paslapčių”
Titas & Benas – “No”
Martyna Jezepčikaitė – “Thank You Very Much”
Milita Daikerytė – “Shadows”
Gebrasy – “Where’d You Wanna Go?”
We have, of course, seen these songs in the heats, but can expect some changes to outfits and staging as they evolve into finalists!
We will also have a performance tonight from MAMA Award winner Evgenya Redko.
The jury have already cast their votes in this pre recorded show, which will count for 50% of tonight’s result. During the broadcast, the public will have an opportunity to vote for their favourites to determine the qualifiers. Unlike previous years, we will not be aware of the jury votes, nor get regular updates on how the public are voting, until the end of the show. Tonight’s jury includes Ramūnas Zilnys, Gerūta Griniūtė, Vytautas Bikus, Ieva Narkutė and Stanislavas Stavickis-Stano.
Joe and Anne will take you through the show with a live blog right here. You can watch the show with us via this link or this link from 20:00 CET.