Philippine: “I Want People, Male Or Female, To Learn To Say “Non!”.
Philippine Zadeo is a young artist (22) but definitely not a newcomer. Even though she was born in the Jura area of France, she lived for 5 years in Ontario, Canada until she turned 8 and came back to Europe. She has a rather classical background, playing the piano and singing from an early age. She attended the Maîtrise de la Loire (a choir school near Lyon) and the prestigious Music Academy International (in Nancy) before taking part to the NRJ Talent contest in 2018. She has realeased several singles already, among which 2 are particularly noticable: “Always” a duet with Irish artist Gavin James, and “C’est Beau, C’est Toi” composed by French shooting star Slimane. This year, as a Play Two and Sony ATV record labels artist, she has decided to take part to the French national selection for Eurovision with her new song “Bah non” (Well…no way). Philippine was kind enough to give us an exclusive interview.
Bonjour Philippine and thank you so much for taking some time in your busy schedule to answer my questions. First, when I discovered your entry, I have found it to be quite a feminist track, like a “girl power” song. Am I mistaken?
Salut! Well, I got a lot of similar comments when I premiered “Bah non”. Well yes it is about a bad-ending love story but that is not the message actually. While listening to the song, I want people to feel strong, brave, proud and important.When I wrote it, I was feeling the need to be invincible, and that’s my message: I want people to believe they are invincible. I want people, male or female, to learn to say no when they are experiencing uncomfortable situations. I chose the topic of a love story just as an example since it is an experience we all go through in our lives with sometimes an unhappy outcome. But the lyrics of the chorus could fit many other topics such as work, friendship… These words are universal, they can apply to many situations no matter your age, and that’s why this song is particularly close to my heart.
Do you consider yourself a Eurofan?
Since I spent years in Canada, I didn’t follow the event. But when my song “C’est Beau C’est Toi” was premiered, many people told me that could be a Eurovision track and tagged it as such on the social media. So I decided to try my luck since I Iove challenges. I want to share my work, my words with the public.
Do you know the other finalists?
This year, it is really fun and there is a true family spirit between all of us. I had already met some of them before, on a professional level. But I cannot see this adventure as a competition to be honest. I’m really looking forward to working with them, rehearsing with them.
Why did you wish to take part to “Eurovision France: C’est Vous Qui Décidez!”?
My fans and followers encouraged me to do so, and I do trust them. I know I want to make them proud and I cannot wait to share the moment with them. I ‘m feeling like I had wings thanks to them, so I’ve decided to take off.
What will happen if you win the ticket to Rotterdam?
If I’m chosen, my first reaction would be to burst into tears. Or maybe not. The surprise may make me speechless. But I now myself pretty well, and my friends who know me the best would tell you that I would cry and hug everybody. Well since we are not allowed to hug at the moment, I am 100% certain I would just cry. and call my parents.
Do you have a special message for our readers?
“Merci” for all the support I’ve been receiving for a few years now. It is thanks to you that I am who I am today, and I feel strong. You may also be the reason why I wrote this song, since I was feeling able to deal with that topic. I want you all to feel important too, through my music. I want us all to feel strong, to dance, to be joyful… I love you so much it is giving me goosebumps just thinking about my fans’ support. Once again thank you for all your messages, all your love, and I will definitely try to make you proud.
Thank you so much Philippine, and let me wish you Bonne chance! for January 30th!
Merci. Lots of kisses to you 😉
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In the meantime, you can practice your French and watch our interview with Philippine