Melodi Grand Prix 2021 faces a host change ahead of 5th semi-final of the show!
The Norwegian selection, Melodi Grand Prix will have to face a change of one of it’s hosts due to the fact that Ingrid Gjessing Linhave had to step out of hosting the fifth semi-final and the grand final of the show due to health problems to be precise she had problems with her back and is on a sick leave till the end of the recording of Melodi Grand Prix 2021 as a substitute host to join Kåre Magnus Bergh and Ronny Brede Aase we will see Silje Nordnes.
“It is a bit special to throw yourself around at such short notice, but it is a large well-oiled machinery with lots of good people. And I have worked a little with Kåre Magnus and a lot with Ronny, to put it mildly, and I can not imagine better partners to have by my side.”
Silje Nordnes said to NRK
Silje is radio host on NRK P3 and she is also known as being the host of The Masked Singer and participant of Masterchef Norway. In addition to that she is a huge fan of Eurovision Song Contest and has appeared as one of the panelists at the Eurovision show “Adresse” hosted by Marte Stokstad.
The fifth semi-final takes place tomorrow with the beginning at 19:50 CET tune in for our live blog and don’t forget to read the interviews with Ane.Fin, IMERIKA, RIVER and TuVeia (by clicking on the name of the performer) and vote for your favourites below.
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Who would you like to see advancing to the final of Melodi Grand Prix 2021? Let us know in the comments below and at our social media links!