Ed Sheeran would do Eurovision but ”England has to be loved by Europe again”!
You might think many British celebrities with global music careers might feel like they are too good for Eurovision… You might wanna think again!
Dutch talkshow host Humberto had Ed Sheeran as a guest in his show and, after having had our latest winners Måneskin there last week, asked Ed wether he knows Månesekin.
Immediately the global star exclaimed: ”F*ck yeah! Man, Eurovision is my favourite thing to watch every year. I love it!”:
Een bijzondere ontdekking over Ed Sheeran! Hij schijnt een groot fan te zijn van @thisismaneskin en van @Eurovision. "Elk jaar word ik dronken en stuur ik mijn manager een berichtje dat ik het ooit wil doen." #Humberto pic.twitter.com/uA5G8lcYfw
— Humberto (@HumbertoRTL) June 25, 2021
Naturally Humberto asked him wether Sheeran shouldn’t get in himself then? To which Ed admits he gets drunk in front of the TV every year and texts his manager to tell him he wants to do it himself sometime, to which the manager replies: ”Not on my watch!”
For Ed to really get in, though, he sets the condition that:
[…]England has to be loved by Europe again and I don’t know if that’s gonna happen. […] Every year England comes last. Without fail.
After playful bickering back and forth between Ed en the host, Humberto assures him ”we do love England, but we love Ed Sheeran even more”!
The conversation continues on to this year’s edition in Rotterdam and Ed lists some of his favourites.
He asks the host about the Dutch song to which Humberto (having Surinamese roots himself) sings the Sranan Tongo lyrics. Furthermore he confesses he loved Iceland too but before any of that, Ed starts singing Jendrik’s ‘I Don’t Feel Hate’! Something Jendrik has definitely picked up on with great joy:
@edsheeran singing part of the song i wrote, no biggie, no biggie LIKE WHAT IM DEAD DYING RIGHT NOW DEAD like
b u c k e t l i s t
be part of ESC
Skinny dipping in Ocean by moonlight
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Ed Sheeran singing part of your song [✔️]— Jendrik (@Jendrikkkk) June 25, 2021
Ed can’t deny, however, that his absolute favourites were the young stars of Måneskin:
Do you agree with Ed’s concerns with regards to the British fortunes in the contest?
Do you think we’ll see him at Eurovision soon?