Söngvakeppnin 2022 final to take place on March 5!
In 2021, Icelandic broadcaster RÚV selected their Söngvakeppnin 2020 winners, Daði og Gagnamagnið, again to represent them in Rotterdam.
I went fantastically, they reached 4th place, one of their highest placings ever, and now, for 2022, the national final is back!
The first semi-final will take place on February 19, we’ll see the second semi-final on February the 26th and finally the Grand Final will happen on the 5th of March!
Each semi-final will contain five songs of which the public will chose two to go on to the final. When this has happened for both semi-finals, a jury will take a look at the entries that haven’t made it and will put one extra song out of those into the final as a wildcard!
With five acts in the final, we will first go through a first round of voting, in which televoters and a professional jury each have a 50% say: this will result in two acts going into the superfinal!
There in the superfinal televoters have the sole say in who will represent Iceland in Turin later that spring.
For all of this RÚV have received 160 songs. The work of selecting the competing entries will now start and the lucky ones will be revealed in January.
Let’s watch again what Iceland achieved this year, one of their highest placings ever in the contest by Daði og Gagnamagnið with ’10 Years’:
Who do you hope to see in Söngvakeppnin 2022?
Let us know in the comments below!