Christian: "I pray this song can inspire love in some way, or be used in weddings, proposals or being danced to"

Christian Ingebrigtsen is a famous Norwegian singer-songwriter and musician, child of Stein Ingebrigtsen who was the biggest selling recording artist in Norway in the 1970s and who competed at MGP back in 1978 with “Fortsett sangen” and ended the show on fifth place. At the age of three, Christian joined his father on tour. At the age of six he learned to play violin and later he started playing the piano and guitar. Christian also took part at MGP but as a member of a band A1 back in 2010 where they ended as the runner up with “Don’t Wanna Lose You Again” 
He has also co-written several entries which competed at Melodi Grand Prix, previously mentioned “Don’t Wanna Lose You Again” , “Eastern Wind” for Torstein Sødal, and “Somewhere Beautiful” performed by Nora Foss al-Jabri all came second then there are “Sweeter Than a Kiss” sung by Charite, “Eyes Wide Open” by Rein Alexander and “Own Yourself” by Dinaye and his biggest MGP success was winning the show with “Attention” performed by Ulrikke in addition to that Christian wrote the song “Perfect Villain” performed by Zuhlke at UMK 2017 in Finland, also finishing 2nd place in the competition there.He was also one of the authors behind last year’s MGP entries “Eyes Wide Open” by Rein Alexander and “Own Yourself” by Dinaye.

Hello Christian, you are no stranger to MGP as you took part as an author and won it, and as a performer back in 2010 as a member of A1 you ended the show on the 2nd place. As a soloist you are competing at MGP for the first time, how is that experience and what inspired you to return to MGP as a performer?
– I didn’t really see myself entering as an artist myself, but after being challenged to join, I realized that it’s one of the few arenas left where artists can do what they actually do on TV.  Almost all other TV appearances require us to do something we don’t know how to do; like cooking, dancing, singing someone else’s songs or genres.  So I thought I could use this opportunity to show off my new single, which I would release anyway.  But hopefully I can introduce it to a larger audience than I normally would.

Your MGP appearances were spanning in three decades and on most of the occasions your entries ended as the runner up (“Eastern Wind” in 2008, “Don’t Wanna Lose You Again”  in 2010 and “Somewhere Beautiful” in 2012) before Ulrikke grabbed the “Attention” of the voters and won. How was it to win MGP as an author?
– It was fantastic fun winning it with Ulrikke and Kjetil Mørland I 2020.  What a wonderful feeling to finally get to represent Norway in the Eurovision.  When we realized that ESC was cancelled later, we were equally disappointed.  But the song went on to be a hit anyway, and we got to introduce Ulrikke’s awesome talent to so many people.  Still one of the proudest moments of my career.

In addition to MGP you also wrote a song which competed at UMK back in 2017, “Perfect Villain” by Zuhlke and ended as runner up, how was that experience?
– I went to Helsinki to see the show, coz I had a feeling we might have a chance to win it.  Zühlke did great, and it ended up in second place.  It was a very different experience to the Norwegian final.  I didn’t get the feeling that the songwriters were very important over there.  If it wasn’t for knowing Marcus and Martinus, who were performing in the show, I don’t think I would have been allowed backstage!  But the party after was legendary, and I had such a great time in Finland.  One of my favorite countries.  I hadn’t been back there since we filmed the music video for Caught in the middle.

Can you tell us a bit about “Wonder of The World”, what does the song mean for you?
– It’s a classic love song that takes you on a journey, both lyrically and melodically.  It actually has several key changes, but I’ve tried to do it so subtly that you don’t hardly notice it.  It’s about how none of the world’s great wonders can compare to the wonder of love, and how even the greatest experiences are even greater when we can share them with that someone special.  It’s a personal song, coz I’ve literally travelled the world, and I’ve been to almost all the places I sing about, having missed someone to share it with.  So I wrote the song for my girlfriend, who I got engaged to last year.

In the song you are singing about many World Wonders and given the fact that you traveled a lot what is the favourite place you had a chance to visit and you would definitely recommend our readers to visit when they have a chance?
– I think out of all the places I’ve been, Petra in Jordan is the greatest adventure.  I literally felt like I was in an Indiana Jones movie, travelling back in time, discovering ancient temples and treasures.  Rome is another city I felt like I was walking in the footsteps of history itself.  There are other places I wanted to include, too, but didn’t make it into the lyric in the end, like Jerusalem and Kyoto.  But if I had to choose one place to experience again, it would definitely be Petra.

Melodi Grand Prix has long history, 62 years have passed from the first edition, What is your favourite song which competed at the stage of MGP and tell us why did you choose it?
– One of my favorite MGP songs is “For vår jord” with Karoline Krüger, from 1988.  Such a beautiful melody, and a strong lyric expressing environmental politics,  concerns and the need to protect our earth.   Quite ahead of its time, really.

Do you watch Eurovision regularly, if so would you like to share a memory which you have of it or a favourite song from the contest?
– I’ve been watching it every year since 1985, when Norway won with Bobbysocks.  My favorite memories are when I went to a secondary school for music, and each year we’d dress up as our favorite ESC artists and perform their songs for each other before watching the show.  I was always Johnny Logan, singing Hold me now, which is one of my alltime favorite winners.  Another favorite moment is when Salvador Sobral won with his beautiful song Amar Pelos Dois.  Probably the most beautiful ESC winner ever.  It was such a contrast to the rest of the competition, and the music did all the talking.

You were creating music and been the voice of characters in “Jungle Book”; “Brother Bear” and “Tangled”. How were those experiences and would you like to borrow your voice to a character again in the future?
– I still do voice over stuff.  I was just the Norwegian Benjamin Bunny in the Peter Rabbit movies.  I think it’s so much fun!  It’s like playing and getting paid for it.  Once you have the voice of one of those characters, you’re kind of “immortal” in the way that so many kids grow up to it, and some of those movies are there forever.  Sometimes I get fans come up to me requesting a song from Brother Bear at my concerts.  The younger kids remember me more for my role as Flynn Ryder than my music.  I love it.

What do you do when you’re not singing and creating music? Any hobbies?
– Since music is both my job and my hobby, I really don’t have time to do much else.  I love watching movies and series, and I work out when I get the chance.  Other than that, I’m just so grateful that I still get to make a living from my hobby.

What are your plans after Melodi Grand Prix 2022?
– I have pretty much a whole album ready, so I will be releasing that in the fall.  Then I’ve got a tour with my band, a1, and we’ll be releasing a new album as well.  So pretty busy!

Thank you so much for your time Christian. We wish you the best of luck at Melodi Grand Prix. Do you want to share something else or you maybe have a message for readers of escbubble?
– Thanks so much!  It’s my greatest hope that my music will mean something in people’s lives.  I pray this song can inspire love in some way, or be used in weddings, proposals or being danced to. Of course, it’s also a fantastic bonus if I get to represent Norway in the ESC final in Torino.


You can watch the performance of “Wonder of The World” below

If Christian Ingebrigtsen is your favorite to win Melodi Grand Prix 2022 which will take place this Saturday, make sure you cast your vote for him in our poll right here:
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