Lyrics of “Trenulețul” will be changed for the second time!
On Saturday, 29th of January the live auditions were held at TRM, all of the competing 28 entries were presented in the three hour auditions and later during the day the winners were revealed – Zdob și Zdub and Frații Advahov have been chosen to represent Moldova at Eurovision 2022, with their song “Trenulețul”. This will be the third time of Zdob și Zdub competing at the contest to represent their country and by doing so they join the list which includes: Carola, Chiara, Wind, Evridiki Theokleous, Domenico Modugno, Jahn Teigen, Udo Jürgens, Lys Assia, Katja Ebstein, Anita Skorgan, Kirsti Sparboe, etc. But they are the first who did it in three different decades back in 2005 with “Boonika bate doba”, in 2011 with “So Lucky” and now with “Trenulețul”.
After the performance of their entry at the “Audieri Live” it has been revealed that they changed part of the lyrics from the first version which is available in their official music video released in December. The part which was changed contained an unionist message as well as several references to the “brotherhood” of the Romania and Moldova.
″Țară veche, țară nouă “Old country, new country
Parcă-i una, parcă-s două It’s like one, it’s like two
Ba aparte, ba-mpreună Separately, together
Parcă-s două, parcă-i una” It’s like two, it’s one”
from the official music video was changed with
“Trenul vede când aleargă “The train sees when it runs
Cât de mică-i lumea largă How small the world is
Și că nu mai pare mare And it doesn’t look big anymore
Pentru că nu are hotare.” Because it has no borders”
which was performed in the audition round
In addition to that Vasile Advahov, one of the two Advahov brothers has revealed that English lyrics will be featured in the final version of “Trenulețul”
There will also be a verse in English. We will strive to keep the basic idea. Soon the team will come with more information. We have rules and requirements that we have to follow.
Vasile Advahov
You can watch the official music video of “Trenulețul” and also check the performance of it from the audition rounds below
What are your thoughts about introduction of the English language to the song? Let us know your impressions in the comments below and at our social media links!