Mahmood & Blanco: from Sanremo to Torino!

Tonight, after a not so long show (only 10 minutes behind schedule), Sanremo has crowned not 1 but 2 winners: Mahmood & Blanco with their ballad “Brividi” (Shivers).


Tonight, only televotes were taken into account before being added to the previous rankings .After all 25 entries were performed, the final chart was revealed by Amadeus:

4th Irama
5th Sangiovanni
6th Emma
7th La Rappresentante di Lista
8th Massimo Ranieri
9th Dargen D’Amico
10th Michele Bravi
11th Matteo Romano
12th Fabrizio Moro
13th AKA 7even
14th Achille Lauro
15th Noemi
16th Ditonellapiaga & Rettore
17th Rkomi
18th Iva Zanicchi
19th Giovanni Truppi
20th Highsnob & Hu
21st Yuman
22nd Le Vibrazioni
23rd Giusy Ferreri
24th Ana Mena
25th Tananai


The 3 reamining artists had to go through a “Super Final”, where the press, the demoscopic jury and the public could vote after all scores were reset. After a 30mns voting sequence, the results were eventtually announced:


3rd Gianni Morandi (21.9%)

2nd Elisa (26.3%)

1st Mahmood & Blanco (51.8%)


History was made tonight: Blanco (18) is the youngest Sanremo winner to date, and Mahmood is the first artist to have won twice in 4 editions, and to have won every edition he took part to!


Their song, “Brividi” was composed by Mahmood and Blanco themselves, as well as music producer Michelangelo.

As expected, it has just been revealed that the Italian duo has said “Si” to Eurovision and will hence defend Italy’s title on home soil.


What do you think of Italy’s choice? Are they in for a 4th win?

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