Blacci: ‘Mar No Fim’ is about losing a loved one, in my case my best friend, Bella!
Hey Blacci and thank you so much for participating! How would you briefly describe yourself?
I would say I am a very open minded person, a bit crazy, adventurous and spiritual.
What was your favorite moment in your musical career so far?
My favorite moment was when I found out I was part of Festival da Canção. It is an amazing opportunity and I am honored.
What does Festival da Canção mean to you?
To me, Festival da Canção is an amazing opportunity to show the amazing Portuguese music to the rest of the world.
Why have you decided to enter the competition this year?
I was invited and I could never refuse an opportunity like this. I had just started to write a song about my best friend that passed away when I got the invitation, so I thought it would be the most beautiful think I could possibly do to honor her.
How were the reactions to your song “Mar No Fim”?
The reactions have been very very good, it is so nice to know that my song is touching people in some type of way, my heart is full. There are some people that discriminate me for being partly Brazilian, but this is a problem that happens a lot in the outside world, and I think it’s good to reflect on that. The Brazilian and Portuguese people have been linked ever since the Descobrimentos, we are brother. Not only Brazil, but also all the Portuguese speaking African countries . We should all evolve to be more embracing to those who are different.
You are among the writers of “Mar No Fim” – How do you feel knowing you are going to perform your self-written song on such a big stage?
I am more than excited, also a bit nervous because this song carries a lot of meaning to me, a lot of pain, a lot of love, a lot of memories.
For those who don’t speak Portuguese, would you like to explain what “Mar No Fim” is about?
“Mar no Fim” is about losing a loved one, in my case my best friend, Bella. She was my best friend ever since I was 6 years old, the one that got me through moving from Brazil to Portugal, the one that gave me strength in my bad times, the one who would listen better than anyone. It is about the different stages of grief, going from the emptiness, the pain to the love. The pain will forever exist, but it will get more manageable with time. But the love only grows founder to the heart. “Mar no fim” means “sea in the end”, I say in the song chorus that in the end of everything, she doesn’t even remember me anymore, because she is gone, and I don’t even know where she is right now, if she is gone forever or if we will meet again in another life, and that in the end she took part of me, it was like the sun that always sets on the sea “que sempre vai para o mar no fim”.
The cycle of life, something we expect and we know that is gonna happen, but it’s the thing we understand the least and it will forever hurt.
Can you give us a taste on what your performance is going to look like?
It is going to be very simple. I want to bring out the feelings in a clear way.
Would you describe yourself as a Eurovision fan?
Yes, I became one recently.
How would you react if Portugal chose you as their representative at the Eurovision Song Contest 2022?
I would be more than honored and happy. It would be a dream come true.
Finally, do you have a message to our readers?
Yes, I hope you feel my song like it is yours, because now it is ours. To everyone that lost loved ones in their lives, and during covid, they will forever live in our hearts and the memories will never be erased. They will forever be alive in our memories and I am sure we are all connected in ways we still cannot understand. Stay strong, and I hope my song may comfort you. Sometimes we lose people in our lives and they are still alive, and that is also grief. But the important thing is to remember and smile about the good times.
Once again, thank you for answering our questions, Blacci. In the name of the entire ESCBubble team, I would like to wish you the best of luck for Festival da Canção 2022!
Thank you!
Listen to “Mar No Fim” by Blacci here!
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