Inês Homem de Melo: ‘This is destiny paying me back for how much I’ve worked as a doctor.’
Inês Homem de Melo, who competes in the second semi-final of Festival da Canção 2022, is not an ordinary performer. By day, she works as a psychiatric practitioner, and studied for an MD whilst attending music conservatory.
I chatted to her a few weeks ago about this clash of careers, her relationship with songwriter Pedro Marques and her song “Fome de viagem” (“Hunger to travel”), which contains lyrics in 8 different languages. It’s fair to say she’s had some interesting experiences over the past year.
You can watch the full interview below:
To Inês, we from the ESCBubble team would like to extend a “muito obrigado” and “boa sorte”!
Remember to follow ESCBubble (and Inês) on social media, and to vote in our poll for FDC 2022!
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