First rehearsals in Torino are done – Which one is your favourite?

First round of rehearsals are now done. First rehearsals were closed to press, but the little snippets could be seen on TikTok throughout the last four days.

All of the semi-final participants successfully tried out on the Eurovision stage at the Pala Olimpico for the first time, and we’ve linked all the articles and clips together so you can watch them all in performance order.

April 30th (Semi-Final 1, 1st Half)

May 1st (Semi-Final 1, 2nd Half)

May 2nd (Semi-Final 2, 1st Half)

May 3rd (Semi-Final 2, 2nd Half)

Which one of the performances has surprised you the most? Have you been disappointed by any of them? Let us know at the comment section below, or at our social media channels.

Don’t forget to tune in to ESCBubble again tomorrow, as our team will provide you live-blog of the second rehearsals, followed by the 30-second clips of all the second rehearsals.

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