The alternative rock band Cyan Kicks have participated in the Finnish national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest, Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu with the song “Hurricane” this year and finished in second place. The band has four members: Susanna Alexandra (vocals), Niila Perkkiö (guitar), Leevi Erkkilä (bass guitar) and Pietari Reijonen (drums) and they were kind enough to give us an interview in February this year, ahead of their UMK performance. You can read our full interview with them here!
Our colleagues from Germany, ESC kompakt, have now reported that their blog statistics have shown a curiosity over the last few days. Their article about Cyan Kicks has been staying in the Top 10 of their most read blog posts and they have also discovered that hundreds of Germans are looking up the band on the internet every day. The recently gained popularity of the band has an easy explanation: They are currently on tour with the Finnish band Sunrise Avenue!
Sunrise Avenue is one of the biggest and best known Finnish bands, with international hits like “Fairytale Gone Bad” (2006) or “Hollywood Hills” (2011). The band is particularly popular in Germany, where their latest album “Heartbreak Century” has reached number 1 of the charts. Their frontman Samu Haber has also been a juror and coach on The Voice Of Germany for 5 seasons and is a big star there. Sunrise Avenue recently announced their break up and are currently on their last tour “Thank You For Everything – The Final Tour“.
No other band than Cyan Kicks is the opening act to Sunrise Avenue, and since they are currently touring through Germany, many German rock fans have now discovered the Finnish UMK stars. And this is not the end of the story! In fact, Cyan Kicks are currently planning their own tour through Germany in May 2023!
You can get tickets for Cyan Kicks tour “I Never Said 4ever” right here! We congratulate the band on their well deserved success and would love to see them representing Finland at the Eurovision Song Contest some time in the future!
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