Here’s the running order of Sanremo’s final

The 73rd Festival di Sanremo comes to an end tonight. The Festival’s winner will automatically represent Italy at Eurovision 2023.

At this morning’s press conference, host and artistic director Amadeus was emotional:

“I am speechless, I am very happy, I want to enjoy this extraordinary result together with everyone without the presumption of having done something, but letting my heart guide me and involving and sharing with everyone.”

Tonight, Amadeus and co-host Gianni Morandi will be joined by guest host Chiara Ferragni. Some of the guests scheduled to appear are Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy (remotely), Achille Lauro, and Depeche Mode.

Here is the running order for the fifth and final evening of Sanremo 2023. After all 28 have performed, the televote will close and it will be added to the general ranking of the first four evenings (in parenthesis below). We will then find out the songs ranked 28th to 6th. Voting will re-open for the Top 5, with the demoscopic jury (33%), the press room (33%) and public via televote (34%) all getting a final say.

  1. Elodie – Due (Two) (9th)
  2. Colla Zio – Non mi va (I don’t feel like) (20th)
  3. Mara Sattei – Duemilaminuti (Two thousand minutes) (19th)
  4. Tananai – Tango (6th)
  5. Colapesce Dimartino – Splash (10th)
  6. Giorgia – Parole dette male (Words misspoken) (5th)
  7. Modà – Lasciami (Leave me) (13th)
  8. Ultimo – Alba (Sunrise) (2nd)
  9. Lazza – Cenere (Ash) (3rd)
  10. Marco Mengoni – Due vite (Two lives) (1st)
  11. Rosa Chemical – Made in Italy (8th)
  12. Cugini di Campagna – Lettera 22 (Letter 22) (22nd)
  13. Madame – Il bene nel male (The good in the bad) (7th)
  14. Ariete – Mare di guai (Sea of trouble) (18th)
  15. Mr. Rain – Supereroi (Superheroes) (4th)
  16. Paola & Chiara – Furore (Fury) (17th)
  17. Levante – Vivo (I live) (23rd)
  18. LDA – Se poi domani (If then tomorrow) (15th)
  19. Coma_Cose – L’addio (The goodbye) (12th)
  20. Olly – Polvere (Dust) (24th)
  21. Articolo 31 – Un bel viaggio (A nice trip) (14th)
  22. Will – Stupido (26th)
  23. Leo Gassmann – Terzo cuore (Third heart) (16th)
  24. gIANMARIA– Mostro (Monster) (21st)
  25. Anna Oxa – Sali (Canto dell’anima) (Ascend (Song of the Soul)) (25th)
  26. Shari – Egoista (Selfish) (27th)
  27. Gianluca Grignani – Quando ti manca il fiato (When you’re out of breath) (11th)
  28. Sethu – Cause perse (Lost causes) (28th)

Who do you think will take the win on Saturday and represent Italy in Liverpool? It’s your last chance to vote in our poll below and let us know!

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