LIVE: Festival di Sanremo – Night 4
Three down, two shows to go! The 73rd Festival di Sanremo is in full swing, we’re back for another five hours of Italian music, fashion, and entertainment!
Tonight all 28 artists will sing covers, along with a guest artist. The performances will be voted on by the demoscopic jury (33%), by the press jury (33%) and by the public at home via televoting (34%). At the end of the show, a provisional ranking of the 28 artists in the competition will be presented, which will add to the rankings of the previous evenings.
After three nights, Marco Mengoni is still in the lead. But will this be the case after the covers? We should know just before 02:00 CET!
You can watch the show for free on the Italian broadcaster’s online streaming service RaiPlay, and be sure and join the blog below and let us know your thoughts on tonight’s covers!