The running order for the Festival da Canção semi-finals is out!

A little over two weeks are left until the Portuguese pre-selection for the Eurovision Song Contest, Festival da Canção is starting. Two semi-finals and a final are what awaits us and for those semi-finals, the running order has been released today!

Broadcaster RTP has posted this on their social media today.
Click to get a bigger view of the running order:

Semi-final 1:

  1. Moyah – Too Much Sauce
  2. Bolha – Sonhos de liberdade
  3. April Ivy – Modo Voo
  4. Churky – Encruzilhada
  5. Cláudia Pascoal – Nasci Maria
  6. Sal – Viver
  7. Mimicat – Ai coração
  8. You Can’t Win, Charlie Brown – Contraste mudo
  9. Neon Soho – Endless World
  10. Esse povo – Sapatos de cimento

Semi-final 2:

  1. Edmundo Inácio – A festa
  2. The Happy Mess – O impossível
  3. Teresinha Landeiro – Enquanto é tempo
  4. Bandua – Bandeiras
  5. Bárbara Tinoco – Goodnight
  6. Inês Apenas – Fim do mundo
  7. Ivandro – Povo
  8. Dapunksportif – World Needs Therapy
  9. Lara Li – Funâmbula
  10. Voodoo Marmalade – Tormento

Who are your favourites among these?
Vote for them in our poll:

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The semi-finals are on 25 February and 4 March, with the grand final taking place on the 11th of March.
The previous grand final was won by Maro with ‘saudade saudade’:

What do you make of this running order?
Let us know in the comments below or on our social media channels: @escbubble

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