Adelina: “I see my talent as a gift from God, and I’m here to honor it, explore it, and share it”

Earlier this month, our very own Edita heard from latvian singer-songwriter-music producer Adelina, who’ll be hoping to represent Latvia at Eurovision this year with her song “Electric Love”. Among other things, she told us a little secret about her preparation for Latvia’s selection. See below for a full conversation.

Adelina will perform at Supernova on the 1st of February. Also, you can remind yourself of the Adelina’s song by listening HERE:


For our readers who don’t know you, how would you introduce yourself and your music?

I’m a singer, songwriter, and music producer—a bit of a mermaid at heart! I like to think of myself as a chameleon or shapeshifter because I effortlessly navigate between genres and sounds, feeling equally at home in all of them. If I had to put a label on it, I’d say I’m a Pop artist, but my music is infused with everything—80s and 90s soul and R&B, dance, disco, afrobeats, EDM, contemporary sounds, and more. My voice itself is like an instrument with so many different textures and tones—I sometimes feel like I have at least 10 voices in one! Ultimately, I see my talent as a gift from God, and I’m here to honor it, explore it, and share it.

How did Electric Love come to life, and who encouraged you to take part in Supernova 2025?

Electric Love has been in the works since May 2023, and it’s been quite the journey. As a perfectionist, I wanted every detail to be just right. I spent countless hours experimenting with production, tweaking every nuance, and pushing myself creatively. I’m so glad it’s finally dropping on all platforms on 15th of January! A big part of why my entry to Supernova even exists is thanks to my childhood friend, Davis. Eurovision has been a shared dream of ours, but every year, I’d somehow miss the submission deadline. This time, Davis made it his mission to remind and push me, and I’m so grateful for that. Coming back to music after a long hiatus—especially after becoming a mom—has been a transformative experience. Life has changed completely, but I’m ready to step back into my essence and embrace who I truly am.

How are you preparing for the selection, and what can you tell us about your upcoming performance at Supernova?

The preparation has been intense and so exciting! From designing costumes to perfecting choreography and vocal training, every detail matters. It’s been over two years since I’ve performed on stage, so I’m doing everything to make sure I’m ready. One little secret I can share is that I’ve been singing while doing Beyoncé-inspired dance cardio workouts to build my stamina. It’s all about bringing my absolute best to that stage.

Winning Supernova 2025 would mean you can represent Latvia in Eurovision. What would that mean to you, and what would be your message to Europe?

Winning Supernova and representing Latvia at Eurovision would be an absolute dream come true. Eurovision has always been a big part of my upbringing—it’s almost like a family tradition, and the idea of performing on that massive stage feels bigger than words can describe. My message to Europe? Be fearless, be yourself, and celebrate the magic of diversity. That’s what Eurovision is all about.

What do you think is the recipe for success in Eurovision?

I believe the key to success is bringing your wildest, most authentic energy to the stage and trusting it to work its magic. Eurovision has proven time and again that there’s no single formula—everything from ballads to avant-garde performances has resonated with audiences. The one constant? Authenticity always shines through.

What is your favorite Latvian entry in Eurovision? And your all-time favorite Eurovision song?

Marie N’s I Wanna from 2002 has to be my favorite Latvian entry—it’s pure nostalgia for me. She brought such a powerful “THAT GIRL” energy to the stage! As for all-time favorites, it’s a tough choice, but I’d say Euphoria by Loreen, Wild Dances by Ruslana, and Arcade by Duncan Laurence. Each one is iconic in its own way.

What do you do when you aren’t performing? Any hobbies?

I’m a deeply creative person, and while I’d love to say I’m painting or taking pottery classes, the truth is, I’m always brainstorming or working on music and creative projects. If I had to name hobbies, I’d say watching a great movie, taking dance classes (which still feels like work, to be honest), and diving into anything related to spirituality. I’m constantly exploring and learning.

Thank you for your time. Do you have a message for our readers?

Being versatile is both a blessing and a challenge. For years, I struggled with defining my musical identity because I wanted to try everything. But as I’ve matured, I’ve discovered more about who I am, and now I feel ready to show the world the woman I’ve become. Later this year, I’m planning to release an E.P project that will define me as an artist and give people a true glimpse of my soul. I can’t wait to share it with you all. Stay tuned!


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