The running order of UMK25 is out

The Finnish broadcaster YLE has announced the running order of this year’s Uuden musiikin kilpailu (UMK). The running order of the UMK25 final is going to be the following:

  1. Costee – ”Sekaisin”
  2. Neea River – ”Nightmares”
  3. Goldielocks – ”Made Of”
  4. Viivi – ”Aina”
  5. Nelli Matula – ”Hitaammin hautaan”
  6. Erika Vikman – ”Ich Komme”

UMK25 is going to take place in Nokia Arena in Tampere on February 8th 2025. The sold-out event is hosted by singer-songwriter Sanni and journalist-presenter Jasmin Beloued.

Who is YOUR favorite to win UMK25 and carry the Finnish flag in Basel? Let us know by voting in our poll:

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