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Joe Bleasdale 209 posts 0 comments
I'm Joe. I was born in Copenhagen, grew up in London, speak French and Spanish and have been a near-lifelong fan of Eurovision.
I accidentally stumbled across Eurovision after staying up past my bedtime in 2005, then got hooked in 2009, discovered semi-finals in 2011, then national finals in 2016, and now, it's my favourite sport (you can bet on it, after all). I'm also a newly-huge fan of Sanremo, which means I've inadvertantly learned Italian given about 80% of my playlists are made up of those artists.
My all-time favourite Eurovision songs are Sergio Dalma's "Bailar pegados" (Spain 1991) and Lordi's "Hard Rock Hallelujah" (Finland 2006).
You can find me at @SirBleasdale on the socials (Instagram / Twitter), and at