These are the Press Jury results of Sanremo 2024 – vote for YOUR favorites!
The first evening of Sanremo 2024 ended moments ago. The 30 acts competing in this year’s edition of this traditional Italian festival presented their songs, and the Press jury voted during tonight’s show. Their results represent 33% of the final result.
Just before the show ended, Amadeus and Marco Mengoni announced the results of the Press jury (Press room, TV and Web). In a change to the previous years, only the top five were announced:
- Loredana Berte – Pazza
- Angelina Mango – La noia
- Annalisa – Sinceramente
- Diodato – Ti muovi
- Mahmood – Tuta gold
Places 6 to 30 were not revealed, and the full ranking this year will only be revealed on the Final night. In the meantime, let us know which of the 30 songs are YOUR personal favorites, by voting for up to five acts in our poll below:
During the second and the third evening of Sanremo, 15 of the acts (in each show) will perform their songs once again, and this time they will be judged by 50% televoting and 50% Radio jury.